Friday, March 21, 2025

Lone Sherman - Mission 1

Lone Sherman is a wargame that puts the player in charge of a Sherman tank somewhere in France after the Normandy invasion. It has fun and challenging missions, but is not completely historical, as a Sharman would not operate alone without support. Lone Sherman was written by Mike Lambo.

The game can be played on a map using counters, but I use 12mm Minifigs models on hexes from Kallistra, houses from Total Battle Miniatures and trees from Timecast.

The Sherman was commanded by Staff Sergeant Martin Lundgren from Minnesota.

Mission 1 - The Village

This mission requires the Sherman to eliminate both Panzer IV's and exit the board at the opposite point. There is no time limit as such, but the more time the Sherman takes, the more unfortunate events can occur. These can include such things as the arrival of more German tanks, infantry or air support.

The initial set-up.


Having knocked out the first PzIV, the Sherman must now fight a second PzIV supported by a PzIII.



As the Panzers close in, the Sherman goes hull-down behind a hedge.
But German infantry, armed with a panzerschreck, appear out of the barn in the farm.

A second play through of the mission...

Every time a mission is played, the set-up is different!


The Sherman crept into the farm, to fire at the PzIV from its flank.


The final result was that the Sherman won one mission but failed the other.